The Challenge
Coca-Cola, for the first time in decades, sponsored Cricket by getting into a global partnership with ICC. The Pakistani context had been heavily dominated by Pepsi-Cola, which was still Pakistan Teams Official Shirt Sponsor. How could Coca-Cola leverage from its Presence in the ICC World Cup and win the hearts of Pakistani Fans during ICC CWC-19.
The Solution
This cricket season, we didn’t want to stick to just cricket. Because to speak the truth, cricket isn’t just cricket for us Pakistanis. It’s that one moment that we brings all of us together irrespective of cast, creed, race and religion. It’s a moment to tell the world we are one, “Iss Parcham ke Saaye Talay Hum Aik Hain”. We didn’t stop there though. We took it further to create a celebration like none other. Aligned with Coke’s philosophy of celebrating diversity, we got together 35 musicians, most of them folk musicians, across Pakistan to celebrate not just diversity, but the unity in diversity. We recreated Hum Aik Hain, an iconic melody in our music history. This campaign became an Effie award winner.